The buttons are as follows, from left to right :
Shuffle if playing, toggle shuffled playback, else skip to random
Skip Back skips to the previous light patch
Play/Pause toggles automatic advancing through patches
Skip Forward advances to the next light patch
When first turned on, the goggles are paused at the first patch.
- Press play/pause once to begin the light sequence.
- Press forward and back to move through the light patches when paused or playing.
- Press shuffle to skip to a random patch when paused, or press shuffle when playing to toggle whether or not patches are played in a random order.
The LEDs indicate :
(I) indicator LED on if playing, flashing if playing+shuffle
(P) power LED on if powered on.
When the goggles are paused, the indicator light will be off. When the goggles are playing, the indicator light will be on. When the goggles are playing back in a random order, the indicator light will be flashing.
The light program loops around to the beginning once it has reached the end. There are 123 patches.
When the batteries begin to die, the goggles should appear pink or red when first turned on, rather than white or blueish-white. The goggles will continue to operate with low batteries, although the colors will change slightly. When the batteries get low enough, you may experience unpredictable behavior, such as random restarts. There goggles are not damaged from running with low batteries, but you should replace dying batteries
Project Stages:
- The Visor
- Phase I : The Board
- Phase II : The Optics
- Phase III : Holes
- Phase IV : Power
- Phase V : Light
- Phase VI : Finish and Play
- Usage Notes